This first entry is simply so you all will know that we have made it safely and make you aware of our final preparations before arriving. A main focus of this trip and the success for our mission is to keep God at the center at all times. We spent much of our time at HUT in devotion; singing praises to God. This was not worship like I am use to experiencing. I often find it hard during services to lift up my praises and allow the spirit to enter in; however, something is different. At one point I closed my eyes to sing and was unable to open them again until we were done praising. This experience was as if I was allowing Jesus to enter in. Not just that particular worship time, but the trip as a whole. One of our main goals as a group during this mission is to bless each life we come in contact with, no matter what the circumstances. At one point yesterday, Dr. Daggett made a point that I was able to connect with. He explained that as Christians overseas we can either act as cats or dogs. After feeding and petting a dog, they view you as God; but after feeding and petting a cat, they view themselves as God.
There are several reasons that caused me to make this trip and I would consider them selfish in some ways. There is no doubt that I will benefit just as much or more by this mission than any Zambians I come into contact with. I hope that my stay in Zambia will allow me to not only further my purpose in medical missions, but to help shape who I will be in the future. I will be able to focus more time on studying the Bible and I pray that all of this allows me to become one with the Spirit.
I would like to share a couple points that were made before our departure from HUT. Jeff Hopper visited us to share some thoughts before leaving. He mentioned, “When you help someone, you become more like God.” Although I have never met Dr. Hopper before, I immediately respect him due to his praise of others and witty way of speech. He stressed how every life ends and that health care simply prolongs life. As medical missionaries it is important to always remember God is most important.
I am thrilled that this has been such a spiritual experience for you. I know the Lord will work through you to make an impact while there. Like the shave. Ha! But was hoping to see a face shot. Ha! Keep posting. We eagerly wait to hear how the work is going for you all. Love you. Take care.