Sunday, September 19, 2010

Compost Material!

Our group has taken over a nearby garden, which contains tomatoes, onions, cabbage, green beans, and rape (lepu). We collected 25 bundles of rape to sell at the market yesterday, hoping to make a profit. We eventually sold all of our bundles for about 700 kwacha each and I am fairly sure we got ripped off. Regardless, this was a fun experience that made us feel like true Zambians. We had lots of pun fun on the way to the market, as each person took their turn yelling, “Rape!” I would like to say our group matured and the jokes were no longer funny; however, they made it almost all the way back to the mission. I have a video of Trey standing in the middle of the market with two bundles yelling, “Rape!” to the locals. I look forward to spending more time in the garden, so that I may hopefully apply some of the knowledge on sustainable foods that I obtained during HUT. We have begun collecting compost material for a pile and often reflect on good times that we shared at our garden during HUT.


  1. I have a spot picked out in the backyard if you want to continue gardening when you get home! :)

  2. Right when I read what it was called, I knew you boys would have fun with that one! haha!
