Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today I have been inspired by a doctor who has made a difference in the world. Medical mission work can often times be very disheartening when you are faced with death over and over again and are unable to see immediate results. Thuma, a pediatrician who has lived in Macha, Zambia for 45 years has lived long enough to see tremendous success in the surrounding area. The hospital in Macha has helped to increase the quality of life for thousands and thousands of people since 1906.
Although the hospital does not have private wards or the entire necessary resources one will find in America, the hospital is very nice in comparison to most in Zambia. Thuma gave our group a tour of the different buildings that they have added on and shared his secrets to success with us. I certainly know who to contact if I ever decide to start a hospital in Africa. The Macha Hospital is able to receive donations and grants, but the main reason for success is the hospital’s ability to sustain itself without outside help. Nurses are limited, so mother’s stay with their children to take care of them.
John Hopkins University helped fund several projects that are currently taking place. The hospital surprisingly has a Molecular Biology lab with an Insectary. The lab is used to study tuberculosis, malaria, HIV, etc. The Microscopist explained the different types of mosquitoes, which ones cause malaria, which ones bite what, and the geographical location of different bites.
I am inspired by the work that is being done at the hospital in Macha. In 15 years, Thuma was able to provide clean water to the entire town (after almost dying from a water related illness.) In Thuma’s lifetime he has made an incredible difference in lowering the percentage of cases pertaining to Malaria, TB, HIV, and more. Many babies are saved each year thanks to Thuma and his success with neonatal care.


  1. It is so inspirational to learn about all the "unsung heroes" you are encountering. I really didn't realize what opportunities you were going to have over there. And, if I had, your experiences would still have far exceeded any expectations I might have had. Truly wonderful!

  2. Wow! I saw a Blue Jay in the back yard yesterday is the closest I can come to what you are experiencing. And, my heart rate got up to 120 running last night. But, somehow I don't think they are the same. Like Mimi said it seems what you are experiencing is exceeding all expectations. That includes both medical and spiritual opportunities. I am so thankful that is the case. You will have to schedule a powerpoint presentation to all of us when you get back. We still miss you, but we are very happy for you at the same time. LOVE, PP :-)))))

  3. It is wonderful to see the Work that God can do through one man. You read about it all the time in the Bible and I know there are many other examples today. But what a blessing to get to share in one.

  4. Great blog entries--thanks for sharing your meaningful insights and experiences. We miss you but are glad you are having such a great time.

  5. Kelsey,
    I admire you for what you are doing. You are an inspiration to many. I know the work you are doing is uplifting to you but at the same time a sad experience to see all that the people have to go through. I wish you well! Keep up the good work!

  6. I love, love, love that picture with the elephant. hahaha. I know that one day you will be one of those people that someone else writes about, someone they looked to for inspiration and strength! :)
